My journey back to poetry….

As a teenager I wrote poetry, won prizes and was published. Then I grew up and lost the plot for nearly 40 years. After three kids, 27 moves, a successful business career, failed marriages and one that is working out wonderfully, I started writing poetry again in 2016. 

It’s been a whirlwind since—My third full-length collection, Tic Tic Tic, is due out September 2025 from Cornerstone Press. My second collection, An Insomniac’s Slumber Party with Marilyn Monroe won the 2020 [PANK] Books Poetry Prize and was published June, 2021 and then re-issued as Marilyn: Essays & Poems in 2022. My debut full-length poetry collection, Give a Girl Chaos {see what she can do} was published March 2019 by C&R Press and was a finalist for several awards.

My work has appeared in Agni, Beloit Poetry Review, Blackbird, Copper Nickel, Cortland Review, Image, Missouri Review, december, Financial Times of London, Greensboro Review, Pedestal, Penn Review, Pleiades, Plume, Poetry Northwest, Rattle,, and The Slowdown, in several anthologies, as a film, in a political pamphlet Body Politic (Mount Analogue Press, 2017) and in three chapbooks: Finding My Way Home (Finishing Line Press, 2018), and BITE MARKS (winner of the 2020 Comstock Review Chapbook Prize, 2021) and Once a Diva (dancing girl press, 2021).

I'm thrilled to have won the prestigious The Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith Editor’s Prize and to have won or been shortlisted for over sixty literary awards or recognitions.

I received my Master's in Fine Arts in Poetry at New York University in 2020 and am honored to serve as Executive Editor of the celebrated The Adroit Journal. Thank you for reading and sharing in my writing.      ❤️ Heidi